Pastors' Conference 2025
Mentors in Ministry:
Learning from Our “Older Brothers” in The Pastorate.
Speaker: Eric Bancroft
3-4 March 2025, Venue: Four Seasons Hotel, Carlingford, Co. Louth
Cost: Full conference (residential) £190/€220; Two days (non-residential) £110/€120; One day £80/€90.
At the conference we will be encouraged by the examples of Paul, Timothy, and Epaphroditus through exposition of Philippians 2. In a time when we are tempted to think we should be keeping pace with some well-known pastor whose gifts seem legendary, we will be reminded by Scripture of the godly men God used to shepherd the flock of God.
Eric currently serves as lead pastor of Grace Church, Miami, FL. He has previously served as senior pastor at Castleview Church in Indianapolis and associate pastor at Grace Community Church in Los Angeles. Eric has a B.A. from Trinity International University, a M.Div. from The Master’s Seminary, and a Th.M. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Residential Places FULL
Day places available via Form below
This conference is for those involved in Pastoral Ministry in a church in the Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland. (A few spaces may be available for guests, subject to availability. Please email to register your interest to attend as a guest)
If you can't see the form below, please register directly at