INSIGHT - Citizens Resources

Earlier this year, the Guardian newspaper reported that more than 80 countries – over half the world’s population – planned to hold elections in 2024. Given this fact, the Editorial Committee thought it might be helpful to highlight what Scripture teaches about our privileges and responsibilities as citizens.

If our tendency is to roundly criticise our governments at every turn, then the Bible has something to say to us. If we are putting off being a good citizen until we have a good government then we may need to think again. If we tend to fall into the grip of cynicism then we need to learn that government is good and necessary and if we are being sucked into paying attention to the words of ruthless earthly leaders, then we may need to stop, repent and be captivated again by Christ alone.


Further Reading - Scripture Passages

Moses leads a nation out of slavery to worship God and live for him, endures criticism, urges obedience to God’s laws, writes the Ten Commandments and mentors upcoming leaders. His relationship with God is key. His constituents are sometimes less than thankful.   

The book of Nehemiah outlines the career of a high-ranking official in the court of Artaxerxes. It is instructive on three counts. The first concerns the qualities of leadership Nehemiah exhibited. The second concerns the social and political arena in which he operated and the third concerns what is involved in helping people work together on an important project. Not to mention Nehemiah’s reliance on God and his commitment to prayer.

Esther is a book detailing the lives of four key individuals – Xerxes, Esther, Mordecai and Haman. It is instructive because it teaches that when God’s people are in jeopardy courageous action is required.

Provide instruction on what it means to pray and believe that God is sovereign and in control.

Daniel – good insight into what it means to be an outsider and Prime Minister.

The Gospels
Jesus speaks extensively about what it means to love God and love our neighbour. He models what it means to be a citizen.

The Epistles
Paul links faith to behaviour in his letters and this includes being a citizen.

Further Reading - Articles on the Web

Church and True Politics

Author: Jonathan Leeman
Posted at: 9Marks

How I went too far with Politics

Author: Dave Brown
Posted at: 9Marks

How to Pastor a Church through an Election Season

Author: Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra
Posted at: The Gospel Coalition

Why Politics Overwhelms the Church

Author: Russell Moore
Posted at: 9Marks.

Where’d All the Good Leaders God

Author: Madeleine Pennington
Posted at: Theos.

Why Evangelical Political Theory Needs a Nature- Grace Upgrade

Author: Andrew T Walker
Posted at: The Gospel Coalition

Further Reading - Books

The Christian Citizen
Author: HFR Catherwood
Published by: Hodder and Stoughton
(Now out of print but still available second hand).

Politics: According to the Bible 
Author: Wayne Grudem
Published by: Zondervan.
(Reviewed on The Gospel Coalition website).

Covenant: The New Politics of Home, Neighbourhood and Nation
Author: Danny Kruger
Published by: Forum.
(Danny Kruger is a UK MP and a Christian. In this book he has written about the need to move away from a rights view of society).

How the Nations Rage
Author: Jonathan Leeman
Published by: Thomas Nelson
(Jonathan Leeman has written extensively on government, politics and citizenship. His articles are published on the 9Marks website).

Healing for a Broken World
Author: Steve Monsma
Published by: Crossway.
(Steve Monsma is part of the USA Think Tank – The Henry Institute. A review of this book can be found on The Gospel Coalition Website).

Public Faith in Action
Authors: Miroslav Volf and Ryan McAnnally-Linz
Published by: Brazos Press
(Reviewed on The Gospel Coalition website).

Campaigns and Think Tanks

Theos (UK)

Theos contends that ‘Many of our most pressing issues – immigration, mental health, diversity, climate change, meaningful work, human right and more – have an inherent religious element. Many of these debates would benefit from the centuries of ethical reflection embedded in faith traditions. And yet in Western countries religion is often poorly understood, feared or ignored’.
Theos has produced 50 reports since 2006 dedicated to the role of faith in society. 

The AND Campaign (USA)

The AND Campaign was set up to highlight the need for conviction and compassion in politics. 
Its aim is to:
‘Educate and organise Christians for civic and cultural engagement that results in better representation, more just and compassionate policies and a healthier political culture’.
(Articles and books listed on their website)


Sermon: Wisdom about Leadership and Government
Passage: Proverbs 16:11-15



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